Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Hands Felt Just Like Two Balloons

Ugh, the underfueled run. It's been a while since I ran 5 miles during the week and today I learned a powerful lesson: a light summer dinner (read "mostly vegetables") is not sufficient fuel for a 5 mile run the next morning. Especially since having to work last night forced me to eat in the early bird hour. Seriously, the clock might have officially read 4-something when I sat down. In retrospect I should have taken a snack to work with me or had one when I got home.

Now I know, right? I can laugh at the Pink Floydian experience now but I honestly thought I might pass out this morning. Fortunately we were only about a quarter mile from home at that point and it was mostly downhill the rest of the way. Sure, I had little black dots closing in on my field of vision and my hearing was a little wonky but I somehow convinced myself that steady forward motion was the best option. Poor Runner Neighbor had no clue what was going on until we finished. I don't even remember what I said to her but I know I somehow communicated my near-bonk condition. I'd call her later to find out my actual words but I think that might scare her too much.

The ironical thing (special nod to Christopher Guest) is RN and I probably had one of our best runs in terms of pace, conversation, and route. If I could Magic Erase the last third of a mile it would have been perfect.

Oh yeah, I somehow forgot to start my Garmin today. And I didn't even care. That's how bad it was.

Today's Miles: 5
Total Miles: 119

1 comment:

Poteneuse said...

Consolidating comments for today and the previous post is my way of controlling my own pace. I still remember the little girl I raised saying something to the effect that "running is what I do for pleasure - it's not about spped or competition but for the pure joy and health benefit". Then I somehow managed to hear and rememebr her say that she would love to have some special kind of watch because it would somehow magically make her running even more enjoyable. Innocent me passed that comment on the Runner Girl's other parent and lo it happened. She suddenly had her Garmin and the world (her running world and my "whatever" world) has never been the same. The other good news if that I feel the humidity all of the time and I always seem to have balloon hands. Oh well! Yugo girl - I've got your mania!