Thursday, July 10, 2008

An Auspicious Beginning

I gave myself two running-related birthday gifts today. First, I bagged my normal wake-up time and decided to run whenever I happened to get up naturally. Of course that meant waking up at 5:45 as usual then allowing myself to fall back asleep until Runlet #2, who was lying in bed next to me, exuberantly proclaimed an hour later "My eyes are open!" Second, I finally went searching for the "mile-long" trail that meanders through a local retirement community. It was supposedly replete with labeled trees, a foot bridge, small cemetery, and pristine fine gravel pavement.

Now you'll notice that I put "mile-long" in quotation marks. That's because this mythic trail, that everyone swears is a solid mile, was actually 0.6 miles according to my Garmin. Hmmm, so much for my planned route of lapping it twice and going back home. With some quick thinking and not-so-quick footwork I set out in a new direction to add the needed distance.

I came home with 3.13 miles on my Garmin and reservations in my head. No, not dinner reservations--I have three kids, silly. My reservations were based solely on that .13 hanging out on the edge of today's distance. Unfortunately, I have a major case of triskaidekaphobia, fear of the number 13. It's at an obsessive level. When I walked in the door I found that my wonderful husband had taken the kids to get some celebratory Starbucks. I tried push that 13 out of my mind and focus on showering or such. But no dice. When the fam walked in I immediately blurted out that I had run 3.13. "That's not going to be unlucky, do you think?" I asked. And knowing me the way he does, my husband replied "Go back out there and change the distance." So I did, bringing today's miles officially to 3.33. Much more auspicious, grasshopper.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 122

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