Wednesday, July 16, 2008

So Close, Yet So Far Away

When the revered Hal Higdon tells me, in an indirect way via a generic training schedule, but still, that I should run five miles today, then I should run five miles today. Five. Not 4.69. Apparently Runner Neighbor's five-mile route is actually 4.69 miles. In her defense, it is five miles from her house and back again. But it clocks in at 4.69 miles when we start at my house. I didn't know this when we ran it last week because there was some kind of Garmin issue and I didn't record the distance. Gah. I didn't look at my watch today until the run was over and at that point I seriously considered running another 0.16 miles up the street and back to officially tick past the five-mile point but then that seemed a little ridiculous. I'm trying to convince myself that it's okay to fall shy of the scheduled mileage now and again because I usually go over by at least a tenth of mile or more. It just sucks to not see that "5" at the front of today's distance read out. Rest assured that tomorrow's three mile run will actually be 3.31.

Today's Miles: (almost) 5
Total Miles: 140

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I followed HH's generic training schedule for a half marathon and he said this about distance for that:

"Don't worry about running precisely those distances, but you should come close."

He builds in a lot of room for customization in his generic online programs since no one runner is the same, so don't beat yourself up too badly.

I like to see how OCD you are about stuff like that though. Shows me I'm not alone. :-)