Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's A Jungle, I Mean Sauna, Out There

Seventy-seven degrees farenheit and 85% humidity at 6 a.m.?!?!? What kind of subtropic zone have I fallen into? I feel like a modern day Rip Van Winkle, but instead of waking up years later I woke up in a new climate. A hot, humid one. The only consolation is that when it does eventually cool and the humidity abates the transition will be that much sweeter and more appreciated after trudging through this soupy mess.

Runner Neighbor and I met for our regular Tuesday run and it was fairly uneventful except that we hadn't discussed a route the day before, as we usually do, so we spent the first three minutes groggily looking at each other and fumbling for the words to express our ideas about where to go. There was even a bunch of expressive hand movements to indicate direction and hills. Apparently neither one of us is at the top of our communication game first thing in the morning.

There are two eventful runs on the horizon this week. Stay tuned.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 153

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