Saturday, August 30, 2008

Slow and Steady

When Running Partner and I set out for twelve miles today, in 91% humidity, neither one of us was feeling the running love. We pushed forward, heads down, not much conversation being exchanged. In fact, the few words we did speak were about how sick we are of running and how great life will be when the marathon is over. Sounds fun, doesn't it?
Then, about five miles into the run something magical happened. Running Partner stopped at a Starbucks to use the restroom and when we started running again she felt lightheaded. No, that's not the magical part! Sheeesh! The magical part is that we had to slow waaaay down so she could get her wits about her again. (I guess if I were a truly nurturing and supportive friend I would have urged her to actually stop running--but I never claimed to be perfect.)
Once we slowed down, the run suddenly became much better. I'd even dare call it fun and enjoyable. It's a lesson I've learned but often forget to put into practice: if the run sucks then I'm probably running too fast. Slow and steady may not actually win the race but it helps you finish with a smile. And joyful kittens bounding at your feet, and velvety rose petals floating from the sky, and the soothing aromas of lavendar and jasmine lingering in your wake. At least in my happy world.
Today's Miles: 12
Total Miles: 313


Ay, ay, I sit here (at 5:30 a.m. no less) prepping for this morning's long run I just realized I never recorded Thursday's run. I am keeping up with my running, I swear, I swear, I really am!

Thursday: I decided to run after work instead of in the pitch black of predawn after the previous day's experience. I know, call me a renegade. And, because I was getting all crazy with an evening run I decided to truly take it to the extreme and leave my Garmin at home. So I ran four miles at I have no idea what pace. It was wonderful in the beginning. I even found myself singing out loud to music again. However, when I walked out the door I had this nagging feeling that I was forgetting something. I kept reassuring myself that I just wasn't used to running without my Garmin and that's what was bothering me. It was about two miles into the run that I realized "Oh yeah, I forgot to drink some water. Today." From 6:30 a.m. that morning to 5:30 p.m. running time I had.!!!!! How does that happen?? Apparently this adjustment to a full-time job is harsher than I suspected. I kept hoping it would rain so I could drink the rain drops. All together now "Awwww, poor Runner Girl!"

Thursday's Miles: 4
Total Miles: 301

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fright Fest '08

Ne.ver. A.gain.

That's how I feel about this morning's run. I woke up at 4:50--that's right, ten minutes before the alarm I had set for 5 a.m.. I used to hate people like me. I still find it annoying, even in myself. I mean, waking up in the 4 o'clock hour?!? To exercise?!?! That's just obscene.

Well I totally jinxed myself yesterday by complaining about the darkness. Today's sky made yesterday's look high noon. It was so dark that I was literally trying to remember where the pot holes are and what stretches of road usually have the most potential-ankle-twister tree limbs in the way. Why doesn't my street have street lamps? For that matter, why doesn't Charles Street, one of the most highly traveled thoroughfares in the region, have any street lamps until you reach the city line? Isn't there some kind of law about road illumination? Apparently not.

I did have on my dorky reflective vest which provided some measure of comfort but it could only do so much when my already limited vision was made more so by the blinding high-beams of oncoming cars. And, why do people drive so fast at 5 a.m.? I kept having to reassure myself that the odds of encountering some random wacko on a killing spree about to ram his car into me was truly quite small. Still, I worried.

About five miles in I was thinking that I'm totally burnt out on running and am in dire need of a break. I've been training for a race of some sort since January 1st and I'm just plain tired. I even found myself wondering if I should just bag this whole marathon idea. Then, out of the gold and orange glow of daybreak, I saw Running Partner coming toward me from the opposite direction. Running Partner! My wonderful long-run buddy!! Fellow runner whom I have never before encountered on a midweek run. Crazy, eh? Whatever your religious/spiritual beliefs, you have to admit that's quite a coincidence. Here I am at the lowest point I've ever experienced in running and out of the blue my running partner crosses my path. Wow. Something magical was at play today. Needless to say I was instantly jerked out of my rut and found myself powering some 7 minute/miles the rest of the way home.

Today's Miles: 9
Total Miles: 297

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Starry, starry night

This is what the sky looked like when I went outside this morning at 5:50 for my run. Gad!!! Have I ever mentioned how much I hate running in the dark? Tomorrow I need to squeeze in eight miles before work. I'm guessing that means out the door by 5:10 or so. Ugh, it's probably time to break out the dorky reflective vest I've been hoarding since college.
Today's Miles: 4
Total Miles: 288

Sunday, August 24, 2008

"Bruised, Battered, and Bloodied"

Those are the three words Runner Boy used to describe me when I walked in the door after this morning's long run. It was an eventful run, to say the least.

Running Partner picked today's route and it sounded great in the abstract. We were to run from her house in Towson straight down to Baltimore's renowned Inner Harbor, turn around, (with the requisite stop at Mr. Running Partner's office for some amazingly delicious water-cooler water) and come home again. All good in theory, as long as you ignore the part where Towson essentially sits at the top of a huge hill and the harbor is at the bottom. That makes for a nice first half of the run but those last eight miles of nonstop uphill were nothing less than brutal.

There was also another little GI issue. Here we go, this is part where I start talking poop again and my mother nearly has a lack-of-propriety heart attack. RP and I were only about four miles into the run and I realized we were running right through a college campus. With some fear of jinxing myself and causing an event so traumatic RP and I might never recover, I asked "Hey, do you know where there might be a bathroom here?" She said we were among dorms and probably couldn't get in to any of the buildings. Then she graciously added "I totally don't mind if you want to go just cop a squat in those bushes over there. Seriously, I wouldn't even think twice about it." Well that's very nice and all but I had to do more than pee and when I told her so she replied with understandable resignation "O-oh." This led to an undoubtedly riveting discussion of various Starbucks locations and our course map. A discussion in which we were both so engrossed my attention was only diverted by an all-too familiar smell. I did a double sniff and announced with intense glee "There's a public restroom around here somewhere!" And so, as if delivered by the hand of God, there it stood: a porta potty! Ta da! After making sure RP would still respect me in the morning I bounded off to commune with construction workers' altar.

Everything went smoothly from that point on until about two miles into the return trip when my left foot spontaneously flew out of my shoe causing me to go tumbling and sliding across hot cement. That was fun. How the heck my shoe came off, I have no idea. It was still tied and everything. I mean, for real, has that ever happened to anyone else? After dusting off my wounded pride I put my shoe back on and tied it extra (read "too") tight. (Not a good idea as any experienced runner can attest.)

Things returned to smooth sailing--until the second fall. That's right, spaz attack here actually fell two times on today's run! I don't even want to talk about the second one. It occurred, it happened, it's over. I want my wubby, goddammit!!!! (She exclaims while rocking like a Russian orphan and maniacally twirling her hair.)

So, the good news: we ran, without stopping, except for my various issues and the most wonderful water in the world, for 16 miles and we maintained a 10:02 min/mile pace the entire way. Basically, we rock.

Hey, I just realized this post is a long as my run was!! :p

Today's Miles: 16
Total Miles: 284

Friday, August 22, 2008

Dog-gone Tired

This is basically how I felt for yesterday's run. Hey, can fatigue be my excuse for not blogging the run until 37 hours after it occurred? What the heck, I'm using it. I'm not sure whether to blame Wednesday's eight miles or the fact that my new classroom is on the third floor and I have to walk up and down all those steps about a padillion times a day. Whatever the reason, his heart or his shoes, I mean the long-ish run or the stairs, my legs were lead yesterday. But, the run's done. That's what matters in the end, right? Now if only I survive Sunday's sixteen miles. That should be cute.

Today's (actually Yesterday's) Miles: 4
Total Miles: 268

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back in the Saddle

In the immortal words of James Taylor, "Isn't it nice to be home again." And yes, it is. At least when it comes to running. Call me crazy but I missed my hills sweet hills. I've gotten accustomed to working different parts of my legs when I run and I found the flat land of the Eastern shore was not a friend to my knees. (There must be another James Taylor tie-in in that satement, eh?) Plus, Runner Neighbor is here. We reconnected after three weeks apart and it was wonderful to have all the catch-up talk as a distraction. I had eight miles on the agenda but she was only in for five so I dropped her off and did the last three on my own.

I hear there's a new neighbor who has run FIVE marathons. And she wants to run with me. Do I dare?!?!? Holy legitimacy, batman. Five marathons is way more hardcore than anything I've experienced. So daunting! (Although, Mrs. Semi-Hardcore herself here was up at 5:25 this morning for her run. That counts for something, right?)

Today's Miles: 8
Total Miles: 264

Monday, August 18, 2008


Back from vacation and life is crazier than ever. While lounging on the sun-drenched shores of Maryland's eastern shore, I accepted a full-time job. That's right--stay-at-home Runner Girl is now working again. Ack!

But, more importantly because I do have my priorities in order after all, I ran 15 miles. That's right! 15 miles! New personal distance record for me. I have to say, it really wasn't too bad. My pace was slower than I would have liked but I chalk that up to vacation exercise malaise. Still, I ran 15 miles. Without stopping.

Oh yeah, there was this little incident when my iPod was run over by a mass-transit bus, but why focus on the negative???

Vacation Miles: 33
Total Miles: 256

Friday, August 8, 2008

Too Legit

Forgive me a few obnoxious moments here but I just got back from ten miles with Running Partner and am riding the proverbial runner's high. For the first time ever I feel like a legitimate runner. I'm usually plagued by a horrible inferiority complex whose little voice tells me I'm not fast enough, fit enough, hardcore enough. But as RP and I were winding down the last quarter mile of our run today she turned to me and said "I'm so glad we ran together because this run would have su-u-ucked if I had done it alone. It wasn't so bad though." And, lest the trickster spirits were listening, I cautiously whispered in reply, "I'd dare say it was easy." Easy?!?! Ten miles were easy?!?! Who AM I?

If you can call a ten-mile run "easy" you HAVE to be legit. At least somewhat.

Now, off to pack for vacay. Runner Girl, Runner Boy, and all three Runlets are headed downey ocean, hon.

Wish me luck on the solo fifteen-miler I have waiting next Saturday! (Yeah, the girl who can't stand to run three miles alone has to tackle fifteen. That should be interesting.)

Today's Miles: 10
Total Miles: 223

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Six-Word Memoir

Runner's Lounge has issued the challenge to come up with six words that denote all that running is and means in our own personal worlds. I thought about trying to go lofty and esoteric with this one--then I stopped laughing, came to my senses, and decided on the following:

Are skinny jeans worth this pain?

There you have it, in all its shallow glory. I began running to lose weight after my third child. I keep running because I can't bear the thought of returning to that post-partum horror. It's all about the vanity here. Supposedly running has health benefits; tell that to Mr. Angry Left Knee who has been whining all day and Miss Mopey Left Ankle who feels threatened when she's ignored. Not to mention I pretty much feel like I'm going to have a heart attack at some point during every run. But then I come home, shower, and put on the same size jeans I wore in high school (maybe not exactly but close enough, alright?!?!) and it usually seems worth it in the end.

That and I've got a handful of other local crazies striving for the same goal. It's a demented but supportive sisterhood.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What A View!

After realizing that I was spending way too much time thinking about music and running, I decided to go back to my purist roots. I mean, I don't listen to music when I race, I certainly won't do it for the marathon, why do I need it to train? (Because it helps pass the time but I'm trying for something here so let me go with it, k?)

With four miles on the menu I figured it would be a good time to try out the new orthotic set-up Mr. Johnny Runlately at Local Running Store recommended. And without music or conversation to distract me, I set out with the intention of making today a "check in" run--where I commune with the environment around me and pay attention to my form, breathing, consciousness, etc. With apologies to the big R, I've runnified the adage "Speak softly and carry a big stick" to "Step softly and carry Mace" and I find that helps me pay attention to how much actual pounding my peds are doing. As for the Mace, I still need to get that. Thanks for the reminder though.

In the spirit of today's responsible approach to running, I actually included a cool down period. The running gods rewarded me, and how! As I was walking, sans headphones mind you, I heard another runner's gently striking footsteps behind me. I turned and there he was--{{sigh}}-- Adonis. With his golden hair flapping in his run-induced breeze. The only bare-chested man I've ever seen running who didn't trigger my gag reflex. Beauty personified. Runner Girl has a runner crush. And who can blame me? Adonis is so Adonis-y, I wouldn't be surprised if Runner Boy has a runner crush too. I'll have to ask him.

Today's Miles: 4
Total Miles: 213

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

"Running Hard"

That's the name of the playlist I made for today's 7-miler. Now, some of you may laugh (Running Moron?) but you all have to understand that my favorite genre of music is "folk" and I consider Aerosmith to be kind of crazy loud. That said, I'm about to reveal a secret that may shock those who know and love me. It's going to come out anyway when you see my playlist so I might as well just put it out there right away. Ready?? I like Megadeth.

With no further ado, I present "Running Hard"...

1. Southern Cross Crosby, Stills and Nash--Hey, you gotta ease into it!

2. Sweet Emotion Aerosmith--Live version, friends. It's a classic.

3. Hangman Jury Aerosmith--What does it say about me that I caught myself smiling during this song?

4. American Idiot Green Day--Surprisingly great beat for a run.

5. Symphony Of Destruction Megadeth--That's right. You got something to say?

6. Foreclosure Of A Dream Megadeth--I actually sang along. "Until all is lost, personal holocaust..."

7. Sweating Bullets Megadeth--Even I admit this song is creepy.

Let me interrupt this playlist for an announcement: The "alphabetical by artist" selection is not always the best choice in iTunes.

8. By the Way Red Hot Chili Peppers--Before you see the rest of this playlist you have to understand that my Running Partner said this is her favorite band for running music so I decided to try them out. Not great, but okay so far.

9. Around the World Red Hot Chili Peppers--Hmmm, still okay. Just okay though.

10. Parallel Universe Red Hot Chili Peppers--Nice background music for a car trip, party maybe, but I'm not digging it running-wise.

11. Scar Tissue Red Hot Chili Peppers--Waaaaaay toooooo sloooooooow. Crap! How many of these songs did I add?!?

12. Otherside Red Hot Chili Peppers--A little better. Still slow but I've resigned myself.

13. Under the Bridge Red Hot Chili Peppers--Dear God, horrid intense high school flashbacks! May it go away, mommy!

14. Tom Sawyer Rush--Now that's what I'm talkin' bout. Apparently I'm a redneck.

15. Renegade Styx--See comment above.

With all said and done, basically the playlist sucked. Training is a process though and you have to fine tune not just the running itself but all the other aspects as well. One thing I'm sure about after my last two runs is that I like peppy music I can sing along with. Dorky, I know, but it is what it is. Sure the Megadeth, Rush stuff was fun but I felt guilty afterwards, like I had eaten an entire tub of Ben & Jerry's or something.

Now, what to listen to tomorrow???

Today's Miles: 7
Total Miles: 209

Monday, August 4, 2008


With Runner Neighbor on vacation this week I've been left to run on my own. (Insert "Awwww, poor Runner Girl!" now.) Not able to bear the thought of simply listening to myself struggle for breath, I decided to dust off the ol' iPod and create a new playlist.

With apologies to anyone with actual musical taste and discretion, I give you my 3-miler:

1. Born to Run--Of course! A no-brainer.

2. I Kissed A Girl--Like I said, apologies to those of you with taste.

3. Lose Yourself--Runner's World itself crowned this the number one running song of all time.

4. Stronger--"That that don't kill me can only make me stronger." Hello-o-o?? Hills?!?!

5. Don't You Want Me--Ummm, yeah, maybe it's an 80's thing?

6. Eye of the Tiger--It must have put me in the zone because I just had to double check what the last song was.

My average pace with RN has been about 9:15/mile. Today's pace: 8:32. Maybe there is something to this music thing.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 202

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Day In the Life...

Rather than write a long narrative today I’m going to post a list of events from the past twenty-four hours that mark how much running has impacted me and those around me. Don’t worry, I haven’t gone soft, just read on.

1. Yesterday at lunch with Runner Mama I didn’t even glance at the salad section of the menu. Way too few calories and carbs! I opted instead for the chicken cheese steak with a huge side of fries and ate it all without a morsel of guilt. Honestly, no guilt!

2. Last night, while watching Law & Order, I promptly turned it off as soon as it got to the courtroom part. With a dramatic yawn, I told Runner Boy that it was getting late and we could probably predict what would happen anyway. Off to bed--I mean, it was 8:45 after all.

3. On the advice of some Runner Buds (smooches, dingoes!) I found myself in the bathroom at 4 a.m. choking down half a Power Bar so it would have time to digest before my run. I had to keep my eyes closed and go into mole mode. It was the only way I could handle the idea that I was actually awake and consuming food at 4 a.m. Who does that?!? By keeping my eyes closed, I semi convinced myself it was just part of a horrible dream.

4. When Running Partner called at 6 a.m. to ask if we were still on considering the torrential downpour occurring outside, I immediately thought of that Power Bar and realized no way, no how was that going to have occurred in vain. I convinced her that running in the rain wasn’t so bad. Even if it is 13 miles. And you know what, it wasn’t so bad. Our Noah-like spirit was rewarded by only having to endure rain for the first half hour or so. This coming from the girl who used to run for the safety of the hamster wheel, I mean treadmill, every time it even threatened anything other than sunshine and roses.

5. When I got home from said 13-mile run, Runlet age 2 informed me that he had eaten the other half of my Power Bar. My first thought was “Thank God he didn’t eat my GU again. I’d hate to have to go the running store and restock today.”

6. After my shower I was feeling a little achy from hip to ankle on each side so Runner Boy, in his infinite vicarious wisdom, suggested an ice bath. I got the tub ready, climbed in, and realized it wasn’t nearly cold enough. Naturally I sent Runlet age 5 to fetch more ice packs from the freezer. I was belting out vintage Bon Jovi at the top of my lungs when she returned with six blue icy chunks clutched to her naked little tummy. “Thanks, hon,” I said, “Now close the door in case I say bad words.”

Ah, the wholesome 1950’s ain’t got nothing on this house!

Today’s Miles: 13
Total Miles: 199