Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Field of Dreams

When Runner Neighbor emailed and asked if I'd run with her today, I couldn't resist. There's little I like as much as a run with a friend. She was willing to do 5 miles but NOT my 5-mile hill route. Apparently not everyone is a masochistic glutton for punishment like myself. She even volunteered that she avoids hills when she runs. Can you imagine?

We set off in the mid-day blazing sun and high humidity (you can probably see where this is going already) and she held strong until a little over 3 miles--3.3 to be exact. At that point she said "You go ahead and keep running; I'm going to walk. But you have to keep running because otherwise I'll feel guilty." To which I replied, "Don't be silly, I'm not going to keep running." Then it continued something like:

"Yes, you have to. Don't make me feel bad."
"You're being ridiculous, I have no problem walking."
"Seriously, please just run. I know you really wanted to do 5 miles."
"I'm walking when you walk."
"Then I'm not walking but I'm really having trouble."

Until I finally ended it by saying "I'll walk with you when we get to the top of this hill but only if you tresspass onto the grounds of the local private school with me and find out where their track is."

The poor dear was so worn down, by the bantering or the running I'm not sure, that she agreed to go criminal with me.

The track wasn't too hard to find. Over a hill, around some football equipment, duck under a few bushes, cut across the faculty parking lot, squeeze through a gate--but then, there it was. TA DA! As if the heavens parted and God himself shone down. Glorious! Amazing! Beautiful! Cushioned! I was in awe. I couldn't speak yet my mind was abuzz. So much speedwork potential! 400-meter intervals, 800-meter intervals, 400/200-meters intervals, straight-aways, turns, 5K pace, 10K pace, negative splits... Hello my new morning friend! My mid-week amour! We will meet soon and often.

Today's run: Three chatty miles. Five-mile hill route tomorrow? We'll see. In the immortal words of Scarlett O'Hara, tomorrow is another day.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 36.5

1 comment:

Poteneuse said...

It is said that some people are crazy and others are just plain whacko. I wish to claim ownership of both qualities. You, my dear Runner Girl, are beyond comprehension at the mortal level. Maybe there is no mortal to this story. Anyway, it's not the heat it's the humidity. THE CONDITIONING BEGINS IN 4 DAYS. Yugo girl - I've got your cushioned track.