Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Running on Empty

Blork, my own hard-headedness even drives me nuts sometimes. For instance, I know that I absolutely can not run well on an empty stomach. It's a tried and true fact. Yet this morning I downed nothing more than a few quick sips of water and headed out the door. Stupid, stupid, stupid. A large part of the training process is learning what works and what doesn't, right? Like an 18-wheel semi with the needle on "E" I chugged, sputtered, and basically conked out at about two miles. Diligent (masochistic?) trainer that I am, I continued on though and ran the final mile to get today's required three done. I have to say it wasn't purty.

So why did I go out empty? The problem is that when I run before breakfast time, the only thing I can stomach is some GU. There are two issues with that:

1.) It's GU. I mean, goo. Literally goo. Yuck. And at 6 a.m.--double yuck.

2.) As soon as I reach for a packet, an annoying, niggling voice in my head starts squawking, "That's 100 calories of nothingness! You can go ahead and discount that first mile because you need it just to break even now. Buck up, lady, get out there! GU for three miles?!? C'mon. You are SO not hardcore."

Ah well, I guess it's time to officially hang-up my dreams of being hardcore and settle instead for being secure in the knowledge of my own body's needs. As non-hardcore as they may make me. Not too bad a trade-off in the end, I guess.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 66

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