Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Wheels on the Bus...

Go round and round. As do the pedals on the elliptical. Round and round they went for sixty minutes today. As the start of official marathon-training draws near I decided to make the most of my last week of exercise freedom today and do some cross-training. (Plus, an air conditioned gym is pretty appealing when the outdoor humidity is nearing 70%.) I'm almost embarrassed to admit how excited I was when I realized that my arrival at the gym would coincide exactly the beginning of The View. Ahhh, simple pleasures. Add to that a current issue of Us Weekly and I was totally set for an indulgent work out. It was great. I even did some free weights at the end and threw in some ab work to round (and round, round and round) it out.

Today's Miles: 0
Total Miles: 36.5

1 comment:

Poteneuse said...

The last time I went to the gym and took up the free weights they stopped me at the door and wouldn't let me keep them. So when they say "free weights" they are lying - they are not free. In fact I don't think they even sell them. THREE MORE DAYS UNTIL HIGDON HIGH! Yugo girl - I've got your free weights!