Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back in the Saddle

In the immortal words of James Taylor, "Isn't it nice to be home again." And yes, it is. At least when it comes to running. Call me crazy but I missed my hills sweet hills. I've gotten accustomed to working different parts of my legs when I run and I found the flat land of the Eastern shore was not a friend to my knees. (There must be another James Taylor tie-in in that satement, eh?) Plus, Runner Neighbor is here. We reconnected after three weeks apart and it was wonderful to have all the catch-up talk as a distraction. I had eight miles on the agenda but she was only in for five so I dropped her off and did the last three on my own.

I hear there's a new neighbor who has run FIVE marathons. And she wants to run with me. Do I dare?!?!? Holy legitimacy, batman. Five marathons is way more hardcore than anything I've experienced. So daunting! (Although, Mrs. Semi-Hardcore herself here was up at 5:25 this morning for her run. That counts for something, right?)

Today's Miles: 8
Total Miles: 264

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