Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Big Kahuna: Run and Done!

Like a groggy bear emerging from his wintry lair, I'm just getting up from my post-run nap. That's right. I haven't taken a nap since the Reagan years but today one was most certainly in order. I mean, how else do you aptly celebrate running twenty miles?!? That's right, chili beans. I did it. I ran the Big Kahuna. The longest run of my training program. And ya know what, it wasn't so bad. In fact, I'm gonna make y'all gag and roll your eyes when I tell ya that Running Partner and I actually considered asking the marathon coordinator, who happened to be on site for this organized training run, if we could just run our 26.2 today and get our medals.

Ahhhh, now for the glorious taper. This is when the true madness sets in, I hear. Hold on to your boot straps, it could be a wild ride.

Today's Miles: 20 (!)
Total Miles: 421

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