Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A journey of a thousand miles...

Well, not quite 1,000. But that sounds impressive and I think the marathon-training program is something seemingly random--like 436 miles or so. (Yes, I did actually calculate it at one point.) As I was running today I got the idea to blog my training until the big day. I expect it's going to be an adventure with high and low points and it might be interesting when all is said and done to look back on the journey.

My marathon is October 11, 2008. I'm going to be doing Hal Higdon's Novice training program. Hal served me well with my first half a few weeks ago so he has my faith for the full 26.2. Training doesn't technically start until June 7th which puts me in an awkward limbo phase. It was unsettling to go from a rigid "do this every day" training program to "do whatever you want to today; run, don't run, eh--it doesn't matter." Even with the half-marathon under my belt I still don't feel experienced or knowledgeable enough to know what I should be running right now. Runner Girl needs a plan so Runner Girl created a plan. I signed up for a 10K on June 28th called the "Dreaded Druid Hills." Runner Girl is going to be running hills, lots and lots of hills, until then.

So, today: Ran 5 miles of as many local hills that I could squeeze into that distance. Runner Boy (a.k.a. Mr. Runner Girl) is out running the same route right now. Let's see what Mr. "Allegheny isn't really a hill" has to say when he returns.

Today's Miles: 5
Total Miles: 5


Gaye said...

So, what was the verdict? Enquiring minds want to know, did he decide it was a hill? ;-)

RunnerGirl said...

He's too cool to admit it was a challenge.