So I wondered as I sat here at 5:45 this morning reading my email. Sniff. Sniff, sniff. Hmmm, that's kind of gross, I thought. Sniff, sniff, sniff. Hmmmm, that's an odor I would certainly categorize as "funky." Sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff. Hmmmm. No. Wait a minute. No. Yes! CRAP!!! That smell's coming from me! More specifically, my running clothes. Oh lordy, I've reached a new low. A new, disgusting, bottom of the barrel low. I mean, should my clothes really smell that bad BEFORE my run?!?! Ugh! I guess I need to start paying better attention to how much I'm wearing my gear between washings. Maybe I can get away with two runs for some items but not necessarily in this humidity. Just be glad your computer doesn't come equipped with smellivision. Imagine how they smell now that they're sweat soaked again! :)
Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 186
As I read Runner Girl's posting for today I couldn't help but be thrown back to "the good old days" of high school gym class. For reasons having nothing to do with sanity, cleanliness, or any behaviorial trait usually attributed to the fairer sex, seven or eight of us GUYS thought it would be great fun to wear the same gym outfit every day of our senior year without having it washed. The only people affected positively by our stunt were our Moms, because back in "the good old days" Moms washed our clothes, cleaned the floors, cooked entire turkey dinners with all of the trimmings at least twice weekly, ironed our slacks and Oxford-cloth shirts with button-down collars (standard teenage dress at a public high school), and wore frilly dresses and pearl necklaces while doing it all, with not a hair out of place, ever. But I digress - this nostalgic trip took me to near nausea as I recalled the growing stench in the locker room as the year progressed, and how we laughed as mold began to grow on various articles of clothing. We actually made it through the year, and we proved nothing other than our own idiocy. But damn it was fun! So, clean 'em or not I say "Yugo girl, I've got your stench!"
Sad to say, but I doubt your stink would even phase me. See, my last job involved a training room that was conveniently located right next door to the boys varsity locker room. You haven't smelled stink until you get a good whiff of football pads round about November...
Oh there have been times I thought my running clothes could run by themselves. Where's the blushing smilie when you need it?
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