Thursday, July 17, 2008

Let's Do the Time Warp Again

Call Frank N. Furter because there’s some weird wacky stuff going on around here. For instance, last night I sat down at 8 p.m. to watch Click and Clack's comedy cartoon on PBS. (No, that's not the weird part.) The next thing I knew Runner Boy was waking me up at 9 p.m. to go to bed. I know, I know, shocker that I actually fell asleep watching PBS, but I like Click and Clack. For real. I will grant that their NPR show is better. But, I digress. Falling asleep before 9 p.m. is weird, unless you're under 5--maybe 10?-- or over 70.

Fast forward to this morning when I barely woke up before my alarm. We're talking "Oh crap, this thing is going to start squealing in one minute and wake the whole family if I can't figure out how to turn it off." Fortunately for Runner Boy and the sleeping runlets I was able to channel my inner Tom Cruise guy from Mission Impossible and get the job done. Now, after that many hours of sleep you'd think I'd awake fresh as the morning dew. Not so.

I don't if it was going to bed so early that threw me off or what but as I was walking to Runner Neighbor's house today I began to wonder if it was really only 6:10. In the short two tenths of a mile between our houses I saw three runners, a dog walker, and was passed by two cars. That may not be unusual in some areas but I never see anyone else that early around here. When I say I was wondering about the time, I'm not joking. I literally found myself trying to figure out if I had somehow slept in and we'd lost power and that's why the clocks were wrong. I even studied the sunlight to see if it seemed brighter than usual. To enhance the Twilight Zone atmosphere, Runner Neighbor wasn't outside when I got to her house. She came out about ten seconds later though and assured me it just happened to be an active day on the street. And she had been waiting for me outside earlier but decided to run in and blow her nose one last time before I arrived.

For previous readers: yes, I did do the extra 0.31 miles today AND I found myself pulling a few weeds as I was waiting for my Garmin to locate satellites.

Today's Miles: 3(.31)
Total Miles: 143

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