Picture me banging my head against a brick wall then throwing my Garmin on the ground and hopping on it Yosemite Sam-style. That's how I feel right now.
Runner Neighbor and I met for our Tuesday 3-miler this morning but I was just a tad late due to some minor GI issues. (Regular readers will understand that by a tad late I mean I was out the door at 6:12 for our 6:15 rendezvous.) RN, as expected, was waiting patiently at the bottom of my driveway. In the interest of not making her wait any longer than she already had, I buckled my Garmin and hit the power button hoping it would find the satellites quickly. I usually set the coddled watch outside about 5 minutes before I'm ready to head out myself so it can leisurely do it's thing without any undue pressure. Well, apparently it needs that kid-glove unhurried time because those satellites we not being located while we were running. I gave up and turned it off after a few tenths of a mile.
It must have been around mile 2 that I mentioned to RN that we were either running really fast or the humidity was taking its toll because I was struggling to hold up my end of the conversation. Typical mid-Atlanticer that I am, I placed the blame on the humidity.
At the end of our runs I typically pace around the backyard for a few minutes to cool down. I find it helps minimize the horror for the runlets who eagerly await the return of the sweaty, panting beast that is their mother after a warm-weather run. But today their fear/disgust was not at the forefront of my mind. As any good runner knows, the only sight in my tunnel vision was the time on the digital clock. The same clock I glanced at as I walked out the door. And there it was, in its green LCD glory: 6:36.
That means we ran 3 miles in 24 minutes. Actually less than 24 minutes because you have to account for the initial "Hi, how's it going? Blah, blah, blah..." and the final "Well, I'll talk to you later. Yada, yada, yada..." But how much less? A minute? Thirty seconds? Gah!!!!! I could possibly have run 7-something minutes per mile today?!? But I'll never know?!?
Back to my head banging.
Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 114
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