Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Day In the Life...

Rather than write a long narrative today I’m going to post a list of events from the past twenty-four hours that mark how much running has impacted me and those around me. Don’t worry, I haven’t gone soft, just read on.

1. Yesterday at lunch with Runner Mama I didn’t even glance at the salad section of the menu. Way too few calories and carbs! I opted instead for the chicken cheese steak with a huge side of fries and ate it all without a morsel of guilt. Honestly, no guilt!

2. Last night, while watching Law & Order, I promptly turned it off as soon as it got to the courtroom part. With a dramatic yawn, I told Runner Boy that it was getting late and we could probably predict what would happen anyway. Off to bed--I mean, it was 8:45 after all.

3. On the advice of some Runner Buds (smooches, dingoes!) I found myself in the bathroom at 4 a.m. choking down half a Power Bar so it would have time to digest before my run. I had to keep my eyes closed and go into mole mode. It was the only way I could handle the idea that I was actually awake and consuming food at 4 a.m. Who does that?!? By keeping my eyes closed, I semi convinced myself it was just part of a horrible dream.

4. When Running Partner called at 6 a.m. to ask if we were still on considering the torrential downpour occurring outside, I immediately thought of that Power Bar and realized no way, no how was that going to have occurred in vain. I convinced her that running in the rain wasn’t so bad. Even if it is 13 miles. And you know what, it wasn’t so bad. Our Noah-like spirit was rewarded by only having to endure rain for the first half hour or so. This coming from the girl who used to run for the safety of the hamster wheel, I mean treadmill, every time it even threatened anything other than sunshine and roses.

5. When I got home from said 13-mile run, Runlet age 2 informed me that he had eaten the other half of my Power Bar. My first thought was “Thank God he didn’t eat my GU again. I’d hate to have to go the running store and restock today.”

6. After my shower I was feeling a little achy from hip to ankle on each side so Runner Boy, in his infinite vicarious wisdom, suggested an ice bath. I got the tub ready, climbed in, and realized it wasn’t nearly cold enough. Naturally I sent Runlet age 5 to fetch more ice packs from the freezer. I was belting out vintage Bon Jovi at the top of my lungs when she returned with six blue icy chunks clutched to her naked little tummy. “Thanks, hon,” I said, “Now close the door in case I say bad words.”

Ah, the wholesome 1950’s ain’t got nothing on this house!

Today’s Miles: 13
Total Miles: 199

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