Forgive me a few obnoxious moments here but I just got back from ten miles with Running Partner and am riding the proverbial runner's high. For the first time ever I feel like a legitimate runner. I'm usually plagued by a horrible inferiority complex whose little voice tells me I'm not fast enough, fit enough, hardcore enough. But as RP and I were winding down the last quarter mile of our run today she turned to me and said "I'm so glad we ran together because this run would have su-u-ucked if I had done it alone. It wasn't so bad though." And, lest the trickster spirits were listening, I cautiously whispered in reply, "I'd dare say it was easy." Easy?!?! Ten miles were easy?!?! Who AM I?
If you can call a ten-mile run "easy" you HAVE to be legit. At least somewhat.
Now, off to pack for vacay. Runner Girl, Runner Boy, and all three Runlets are headed downey ocean, hon.

Wish me luck on the solo fifteen-miler I have waiting next Saturday! (Yeah, the girl who can't stand to run three miles alone has to tackle fifteen. That should be interesting.)
Today's Miles: 10
Total Miles: 223
Total Miles: 223
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