Runner's Lounge has issued the challenge to come up with six words that denote all that running is and means in our own personal worlds. I thought about trying to go lofty and esoteric with this one--then I stopped laughing, came to my senses, and decided on the following:

Are skinny jeans worth this pain?
There you have it, in all its shallow glory. I began running to lose weight after my third child. I keep running because I can't bear the thought of returning to that post-partum horror. It's all about the vanity here. Supposedly running has health benefits; tell that to Mr. Angry Left Knee who has been whining all day and Miss Mopey Left Ankle who feels threatened when she's ignored. Not to mention I pretty much feel like I'm going to have a heart attack at some point during every run. But then I come home, shower, and put on the same size jeans I wore in high school (maybe not exactly but close enough, alright?!?!) and it usually seems worth it in the end.
That and I've got a handful of other local crazies striving for the same goal. It's a demented but supportive sisterhood.

That's funny!
Ha ha!
I'm in Annapolis. Good look with the B'more marathon! I did the relay a few years back. It was fun, of course I only ran 1/4 of the race :)
Hey! Who're you calling demented? ;)
Actually, it probably does entire family (while ridiculously proud of me) thinks that I'm pretty much nuts! And you know what, I probably am, and I love it! :p
That's hilarious!! I also began running to lose the wt. after my 3rd child. :)
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