After Saturday's traumatic experience, I couldn't bear to do today's run outside, even if it was just drizzling, so once again I ended up on the treadmill. Now, anyone who has even glanced at this blog knows how much I detest the treadmill. It's a hatred for the ages. But, and this is a HUGE but, today's run was great. Really. All nine miles of it. Yup, you read right: nine miles! Oh yeah! Who's awesome???
I had fun; I felt energized; and, I even added an extra 0.1 to the end just for the heck of it. (Well, I really did that to bring my training log back up to whole numbers, but we don't need to delve into that freakishness.) My secret?
Red Bull.
I chugged one right before my run, and apparently it's the elixir of the gods. Unfortunately, I may be awake until 3 a.m., but a good nine miler is worth a little insomnia.

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