Friday, April 17, 2009

Hellooo? Can you see me??

Lately I've begun to wonder if I unknowingly take on the superpower of invisibility when I run. What else would explain the downright refusal of pedestrians to make way for me on the sidewalk? They must not be able to see me. Otherwise, at least one person in a group of three walking abreast on the sidewalk would surely step ahead or behind his cohorts instead of forcing me a) into the road or b) onto the edge of the adjacent hill. Right?

That happened twice last night during my run. Each time it was at least three people and each time not one single person made a move to share the sidewalk with me. Should I blame it on the fact that they were college students? Maybe that's what they're going to school for--basic manners.

I try to run in the road as much as I can but rush hour, busy roads, and, again, college students (this time behind the wheel) scare me onto the sidewalks from 6-7 p.m.

Thankfully I survived. Tomorrow I'm taking my neighbor out for 16 miles. She's never run more than 13.1, so it should be fun!

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