Well, crap monkeys. It looks like I have plantar fasciitis. The fact I haven't been able to put any weight on my heel since Saturday night without it resulting in stabbing, shooting pain was my first indication. When I tried to work it out last night during a five-mile run and came back in even more pain, I got the second indication that something really isn't right. I talked to Coach Crazylegs today and he actually told me not to run for the rest of the week! The same man who demands you run through ungodly cold temperatures, pouring down rain, white-out snow conditions, nausea, and mild diarrhea told me to rest for FOUR days! Oh, the humanity!! I was taking the whole thing pretty well, stiff upper lip and all that, until he had to go and get all dramatic like that. Now I'm in major freak out mode. To make matters worse, he told me to ride a stationery bike a few times so I don't lose cardio conditioning for Saturday's 20-miler. That's right, I'm looking at 20 miles this weekend. And I don't have a gym membership. I gave that up when running took over my life. Fortunately I'm able to glom on to the guest access at my parents' gym and hit the bike, but I'll only be able to do it once this week.
Somebody tell me this is no big deal. Please!
You'll be fine
You'll be fine
You'll be fine
You won't "lose cardio" in a week. I promise.
It's not a big deal. IF you take care of it properly now, so it doesn't become a big deal.
Ice and stretching. Freeze a water bottle and use that to roll your foot over and massage while icing. Lots and lots of both foot and calf/achilles stretching. Before you step out of bed in the morning, stretch your foot and calf out. Use a tennis ball to massage the bottom of your foot. Ibuprofen won't hurt, either.
I agree - you won't lose cardio in a week. I have no experience with PF, so I'll just send some heal quickly vibes your way.
If you do want to get to a gym and ride a bike you can always try one of the free week trials most of them do.
You'll be okay. Just take the time to heal and all will be well.
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