Blast him. He proclaimed that I must always attend the obscenely timed 5:30 a.m. track workouts because I would never push myself as hard on my treadmill. Yeah right, I thought, he just doesn't know my masochistic tendencies yet. The theory was put to the test this week when five inches of snow caused track cancellation. Like a good little dedicated runner, I turned to my hamster wheel for some speed intervals. And ya know what? (You see it coming, I know you do.) I didn't run as fast as I do at track. I hate to be wrong, especially when it's combined with a weak performance on my part, but when I found myself singing along to Britney I knew I wasn't running fast enough. Yet I didn't increase my speed. It continues to boggle my mind that I can be both a marathon runner and lazy at the same time. How is that possible??
Oooh, better log the rest of my dreadmill miles for the week. Thank god they're over. Have I mentioned how much I dislike that thing?
Tuesday: 5.25 miles
Wednesday: 6 miles
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