As for the mascara, what's that saying? "Live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse." Gotta have the mascara on when the Road ID comes into play. I shudder to think what the EMT guys might say to each other without at least a little effort on my part. (You'd understand if you saw me at 5 a.m.) 

Then, the mantras. I owe a big ol' smoocheroni to SuperCallieFragilistic for reminding me of this article when I sent out a desperate plea to all my running buds yesterday. I was beginning to question whether or not I had the mental fortitude to keep running for eighteen miles and was looking for all the help I could get.

Now for the report on today's run. I was trying to think of the perfect adjective to describe it and kept coming up blank. There were high points, low points, eventful moments, dull moments--but, overall, the whole was better than the sum of its parts. Oh sure, I could go on about the "BodyGlide stain" on my shirt that turned out to be blood, or the blisters the size of Texas between my toes. But why? Why focus on the negative that seems to come with any long run? I'd rather focus on the fact that I ran the entire time without stopping. I want to celebrate that I actually ran one of those miles at a 6:30 min/mile pace (we don't need to talk about why, just know it wasn't my GI issues for once!). And, I want to be proud that I get to go to our annual block party this afternoon, drink some beers, eat too much junk food, and brag about the fact that I ran eighteen miles today!

Today's Miles: 18
Total Miles: 349
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