Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's Hard to Keep Up

And I'm not just talking about running. I knew life would probably get a little crazy when marathon training reached its peak but I wasn't quite prepared for the all-consuming reality. I feel like my life has become working and running--and not necessarily in that order. I actually ran home from work yesterday. I packed my running gear, wore my scary-short running skirt and "Hello, here I am" running tank to my faculty meeting, then hit the scorching city pavement for seven miles home. Uphill. Yeah, somehow there's no way to get home from the city without going uphill the whole way. And I had new Hopkins and Loyola students wandering around in lost packs to contend with. Fun, fun.

So that was yesterday. Today, a day when city schools closed early due to extreme heat mind you, I came home and cranked out three miles. I didn't wear my Garmin because to be frank I just couldn't handle the pressure.

Running Partner and I have eighteen miles on the schedule for Saturday. The same day Hurricane Hana is due to hit Baltimore apparently. Can anyone say Body Glide?

Today's (and yesterday's) Miles: 10
Total Miles: 331

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tried to do 8 in the nasty heat today and only managed 7.

I'm just south of you and not looking forward to my long run this weekend in the rain. Thankfully I have a recovery week, so only 13 miles.

I've been feeling pretty much the same way about it taking over my life. I don't work, but I'm constantly planning my kids' days around when I can get out and run. I'm so ready to be done with this.