Thursday, July 31, 2008

What's That Smell?

So I wondered as I sat here at 5:45 this morning reading my email. Sniff. Sniff, sniff. Hmmm, that's kind of gross, I thought. Sniff, sniff, sniff. Hmmmm, that's an odor I would certainly categorize as "funky." Sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff. Hmmmm. No. Wait a minute. No. Yes! CRAP!!! That smell's coming from me! More specifically, my running clothes. Oh lordy, I've reached a new low. A new, disgusting, bottom of the barrel low. I mean, should my clothes really smell that bad BEFORE my run?!?! Ugh! I guess I need to start paying better attention to how much I'm wearing my gear between washings. Maybe I can get away with two runs for some items but not necessarily in this humidity. Just be glad your computer doesn't come equipped with smellivision. Imagine how they smell now that they're sweat soaked again! :)

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 186

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Gearing Up--Take 2

I'm almost embarrassed to admit it but I bought another pair of running shoes. Yeah, I don't need new shoes but I will before the marathon and the Brooks 90-day challenge seemed like a no-fail solution. You buy any new pair of Brooks, wear them for 90 days, and can get a full refund if you don't want to marry them at the end of the 3-month romance. So I wore mine for my run today. It was six miles, a distance I thought would be perfect to try out some new shoes--long enough for any potential problems to pop up but short enough as not to do permanent damage.

Well, let me tell you, a problem did pop up. Two of them. Blisters. Big blisters. Big, bulbous, angry blisters. On the sides of my feet; how weird is that?!? And my ankles kinda hurt. I guess it's destined to be a one-run stand for me and Brooks. So long shoes--don't call me, I'll call you.

I decided to try some Nuun today too. Post-run of course lest there be another sport bean incident. It's none (nuun?)-too-yummy but I'm not ready to abandon it altogether yet. What's the appeal with Nuun? The low calories? The tablets? And what do you do with those tablets when running? You're supposed to drop them in 16 oz. of water but my fuel belt bottles hold 10 oz. at the most. Can you mix it before you go?

So many questions, my poor little brain is smoking. Just like my inflamed, blistered feet.

Today's Miles: 6
Total Miles: 183

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Calling All Roosters!

You would think the girl who got up before her alarm at 5:20 to run 13 miles just four days ago would have no problem waking up at 5:50 to run 3 miles today. You would think. Darn that alarm. It may have gone off once, maybe twice, before when I was laying there semi-awake just savoring the last few moments of quiet. But in those cases I was able to silence it at the first blip. Not today. That thing was squawking and squealing like a pig in a trap. A robot in a trap? No, I know, a soprano--the fat lady, opera-ending kind--in some kind of horrid medieval toe trap. And I couldn't silence it. Technically it's what you would call a "travel" alarm clock; in other words, it's tiny. What genius engineer thought that one up in the lab? "Hey, I know, let's make an alarm clock so small that you can't find the 'off' button." After dropping it three times, resetting the alarm for 8:26 p.m. and the actual time for 12:17 a.m., I somehow managed to quiet the mini beast. When I turned to the hubs with a look of abject apology all I could see was a semi-human form under a mound of covers. It must have been traumatic for him too.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 177

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Sneak Preview

Eventful run #2: Run and done!!

And it was a good one. Grab a drink, pull up a chair, and settle in because I have 13.1 miles of running to recap. That's right, baby, 13.1 miles! A half mary. Yeah, I ran a half marathon today just for the heck of it. The best part was that it was the first half of the official marathon course I'll be running in October. Now I'm not usually one of those people who needs to see a race course in advance but with 26.2 miles in my future I'd like to have some idea of what to expect. Today's run was supported by the local running store that's sponsoring the mary. There were probably a hundred or so people there. That's Running Partner's guestimate--I could never win one of those "Guess the number of jelly beans in the jar" games. There were several water stops along the way and I hear they had gels but we both had our fuel belts and kept going the whole time. Well, almost, but I'll get to that.

I set my alarm for 5:30 this morning to give myself time to eat half a PowerBar and tend to any potential GI issues. RP picked me up at 6:20 and we drove downtown. Her hubs works in a building that is blessed with a parking garage and he has weekend access so it was an easy scoot to the harbor where the run started. I mentioned I had a case of race nerves even though this wasn't really a race and she told me some blowhard at the pool last night told her "Are you running from point A to point B? Are other people running too? Do you know those other people? If not, it's a race. You better bring it." Asshole. I bet he slept until 9:30 today--by which time we were finished because we're basically awesome.

If you're familiar with Baltimore then you know that the harbor sits in a basin, a basin that is hard to escape without some major uphillage. When my Garmin read 4.2 miles and we were still going uphill, I found myself saying to the sweaty navy-shirt dude next to me "I've heard Baltimore is a challenging marathon but I didn't realize it was uphill the whole way." He mumbled something about training for the half and only running 6 miles today. I don't think he really wanted to chat.

RP and I kept a good pace if for no other reason than we were basically in the projects with no idea how to get out and we were afraid of losing sight of the runners in front of us. I've never felt so happy to see the train station in my life. At that point I knew, not matter what happened, I'd be able to find my way back to the finish. A nice straight shot down St. Paul Street.

With the harbor, and finish line, in sight, I was jubilant. What a great, easy run! My pride was swelling to epic proportions when I dared glance at my Garmin and realized we were only at 9 miles. Well crap! Oh yeah, I seemed to remember someone mentioning something about Fort McHenry at the start. While Fort McHenry itself is a beautiful, breezy running spot, the trek there from the harbor is decidedly not. Stinky is more what I'd call it. Hot and stinky.

At mile 10 we passed a water stop and with my fuel belt carrying mere splashes of bathwater at that point I decided to stop. What, no water?!?! Gah! Okay, I'll try a few sport beans. Bad idea. Very bad idea. I know my body doesn't tolerate sugar well but somewhere in that 10-mile haze I forgot that sport beans are made of sugar. I spent the rest of the run trying to balance my child-birth breathing techniques with basic gasping for breath in order to deal with the stabbing pain I was experiencing just under my ribcage. I managed to parlay my condition to RP in something that probably sounded like "Can't talk. Must breathe. Ouch." Unfortunately, she had to pee so stopping didn't really sound like the fair thing to do.

When we made it back to RP's hubs' office, we waltzed our drippy sweaty selves past the well-turned-out reception staff and headed toward the elevators with the promises of restrooms and water coolers on the horizon. Glorious, glorious water cooler. I could write a sonnet to that water cooler so enamoured I am of it's hydrating, ice cold gift. It was seriously the best water I've ever had, even if it did cause a slight brain freeze.

Today's Miles: 13
Total Miles: 174

Friday, July 25, 2008

Trails and Tribulations

Eventful run #1: Run and done!!

A few weeks ago I ran (no pun intended) into a woman at the local running store who told me about an intriguing group: The Dirty Girls Running Club. They meet every Thursday at 6 p.m. and run through the trails at a nearby park. I've always wanted to run those trails but being directionally challenged I had horrid images of myself wandering off path and withering Chris McCandless-like in the Baltimore wilderness. Hence, I liked the idea of following a group who knew where they were going.

I'm also kind of shy though so I was not digging the idea of being the only newbie running with these women. Running Neighbor to the rescue!! Not to be confused with Runner Neighbor or Running Partner, who both laughed at my proposal and responded with "Yeah, have fun with that."

I picked RN up at 5:40 and we got to the running store ten minutes later. The proprietor greeted us with the news that we had just missed the group and they had left early because they were doing 20 miles tonight. To which I responded "No way!" and he said "Yup." Then, after a waaaay too long pause, he started laughing and stated "Nah, I'm just kidding. They usually start closer to 6:15 than 6 o'clock." Ha, running humor. Not really funny unless you're devout enough to actually own a running store.

Long story short, the Dirty Girls never showed and Mr. Comedian proprietor ended up drawing a rustic, at best, map of the area and sent us on our way. Like Lewis and Clark we set out to find the trails and log a 6-mile run that ended back at the car rather than the middle of nowhere.

We did pretty well with RN as the navigator. For a trail run that began its first full mile on the shoulder of a crazy busy road at rush hour, it really was kind of cool. There were a few low points, like when I jumped at a black snake and almost pushed RN into said rush hour traffic and when RN got the shakes so bad we had to take a break and I was silently cursing myself for not bringing a cell phone because I didn't know if I had it in me to fireman-carry her back out to the road. Other than that, it was beautiful, cool, scenic, not too rooty, and the only dangerous wildlife we encountered was a small French Bulldog that yapped at our heels for a tenth of a mile or so. Aaaaah, yuppie wilderness.

Technically we only managed 5.17 miles, but that 5.17 ended right back at my minivan and we were none the worse for wear.

Today's Miles: 5
Total Miles: 161

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mama Said There'll Be Days Like This

TMI Warning: This post is not for the faint of heart, easily disgusted, or readily offended.

To capture the true essence of what happened today I think we need to begin yesterday evening around 5:30 p.m.. While I should have been at least in the beginning throes of preparing dinner for my family I was instead making a monster batch of chocolate-covered pretzels to give as a gift. I had two kinds of chocolate going and multiple sprinkle-ish toppings. It was glorious. And way too tempting to resist. In fact, when there was a knock on the front door around 6 o'clock I had to quickly wipe away any tell-tale traces of chocolate around my mouth before greeting the visitor. (The Avon lady, if you must know. My 5 year-old runlet found out they carry Hannah Montana wares.)

When 7 o'clock came and my husband asked what was for dinner, the best I could do was glance around my chocolate-spattered, sprinkle-riddled kitchen and shrug. His solution: buffalo chicken pizza.

Okay, NOT a good combination with all that chocolate. I was literally awoken at 1 a.m., 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. with horrible stomach cramps. When 5 a.m. came I decided to go ahead and get up and try to resolve the GI issue before my run. It took a little while but I finally thought I was all clear. I took some Imodium, ate my GU, and headed out to meet Runner Neighbor at 6:15--yeah, that's late in our world; she knew something was up.

I told RN my woes and assured her I felt okay to run and thought the route had enough bail-out spots that it wouldn't be an issue. Famous last words. I did actually feel pretty good for the first two miles or so but then I started to fade, quickly. Just as I passed my final bail-out spot, the shit hit the fan. So to speak. I honest to God thought I was going to have emergency diarrhea right there on Charles Street. The panic induced by the situation brought on a horrible wave of nausea. Now I wasn't sure which end I should be worried about. Heck, it wouldn't have surprised me if I had started bleeding out of my orifices as well. It was the.absolute.worst. moment in running in my entire life. I had to stop, calm myself down, and send RN ahead without me.

I wanted to collapse and curl in the fetal position on the side of the road. I couldn't bear the thought of forward motion. BUT I wanted to get home too and that was the overriding desire. I managed to walk the next quarter of a mile, taking deep breaths and visualizing a trauma-free return home. Eventually the panic subsided, the cramps diminished, and the nausea disappeared completely. When I has half a mile from my house I decided it would be better to run at that point and shorten the distance between myself and a bathroom, should the horror return.

Fortunately I made it home safe and sound. But with emotional scars I may carry for years. Now I can't help but wonder, what in the world do I do if that happens during a long run or a race????

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 156

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's A Jungle, I Mean Sauna, Out There

Seventy-seven degrees farenheit and 85% humidity at 6 a.m.?!?!? What kind of subtropic zone have I fallen into? I feel like a modern day Rip Van Winkle, but instead of waking up years later I woke up in a new climate. A hot, humid one. The only consolation is that when it does eventually cool and the humidity abates the transition will be that much sweeter and more appreciated after trudging through this soupy mess.

Runner Neighbor and I met for our regular Tuesday run and it was fairly uneventful except that we hadn't discussed a route the day before, as we usually do, so we spent the first three minutes groggily looking at each other and fumbling for the words to express our ideas about where to go. There was even a bunch of expressive hand movements to indicate direction and hills. Apparently neither one of us is at the top of our communication game first thing in the morning.

There are two eventful runs on the horizon this week. Stay tuned.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 153

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Easy, Breezy Puddin' Pie

I'm not sure when it happened but sometime in the last two months seven miles became a short run. Okay, maybe not short per se, but definitely not long. When I saw seven miles on the schedule for this weekend I was almost disappointed. Disappointed about running seven miles?!? The insanity. The problem is, I'm beginning to dig the drama, the "Wow!" factor, of the ten plus milers. Seven miles just doesn't seem to have the same oomph. With seven miles on the schedule, my lackadaisical approach was evident: I wasn't concerned about hydration the day before, I didn't feel the need to carb-load in advance, and, I even considered breaking my ultimate taboo--having some wine the night before a run.

And as I ran, it just seemed...easy. Yeah, seven miles has become easy. How in the heck did that happen????

Good thing I have next Saturday's twelve miles to put me in my place.

Today's Miles: 7
Total Miles: 150

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Let's Do the Time Warp Again

Call Frank N. Furter because there’s some weird wacky stuff going on around here. For instance, last night I sat down at 8 p.m. to watch Click and Clack's comedy cartoon on PBS. (No, that's not the weird part.) The next thing I knew Runner Boy was waking me up at 9 p.m. to go to bed. I know, I know, shocker that I actually fell asleep watching PBS, but I like Click and Clack. For real. I will grant that their NPR show is better. But, I digress. Falling asleep before 9 p.m. is weird, unless you're under 5--maybe 10?-- or over 70.

Fast forward to this morning when I barely woke up before my alarm. We're talking "Oh crap, this thing is going to start squealing in one minute and wake the whole family if I can't figure out how to turn it off." Fortunately for Runner Boy and the sleeping runlets I was able to channel my inner Tom Cruise guy from Mission Impossible and get the job done. Now, after that many hours of sleep you'd think I'd awake fresh as the morning dew. Not so.

I don't if it was going to bed so early that threw me off or what but as I was walking to Runner Neighbor's house today I began to wonder if it was really only 6:10. In the short two tenths of a mile between our houses I saw three runners, a dog walker, and was passed by two cars. That may not be unusual in some areas but I never see anyone else that early around here. When I say I was wondering about the time, I'm not joking. I literally found myself trying to figure out if I had somehow slept in and we'd lost power and that's why the clocks were wrong. I even studied the sunlight to see if it seemed brighter than usual. To enhance the Twilight Zone atmosphere, Runner Neighbor wasn't outside when I got to her house. She came out about ten seconds later though and assured me it just happened to be an active day on the street. And she had been waiting for me outside earlier but decided to run in and blow her nose one last time before I arrived.

For previous readers: yes, I did do the extra 0.31 miles today AND I found myself pulling a few weeds as I was waiting for my Garmin to locate satellites.

Today's Miles: 3(.31)
Total Miles: 143

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

So Close, Yet So Far Away

When the revered Hal Higdon tells me, in an indirect way via a generic training schedule, but still, that I should run five miles today, then I should run five miles today. Five. Not 4.69. Apparently Runner Neighbor's five-mile route is actually 4.69 miles. In her defense, it is five miles from her house and back again. But it clocks in at 4.69 miles when we start at my house. I didn't know this when we ran it last week because there was some kind of Garmin issue and I didn't record the distance. Gah. I didn't look at my watch today until the run was over and at that point I seriously considered running another 0.16 miles up the street and back to officially tick past the five-mile point but then that seemed a little ridiculous. I'm trying to convince myself that it's okay to fall shy of the scheduled mileage now and again because I usually go over by at least a tenth of mile or more. It just sucks to not see that "5" at the front of today's distance read out. Rest assured that tomorrow's three mile run will actually be 3.31.

Today's Miles: (almost) 5
Total Miles: 140

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Run, Sweet Run

Nothing much to report about today's run. Three miles at a comfortable pace, good route, yada, yada, yada. Except that I did need the alarm to wake me up for the first time ever (in running history, that is) and I was in the middle of some bizzaro dream about my losing my teeth. I'm pretty sure that's supposed to signifiy something. Off to Google.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 135

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Where's Alec Baldwin When You Need Him?

I couldn't help but think of his Schweaty Balls routine when I came home from today's run. Not that I have balls; Dear God, I'd have much bigger concerns than whether or not I could fininsh a marathon if that were the case. But I did have sweat. A lot of it. And it was gross.

Sure I expect to get sweaty when I run. I mean it is mid-summer in the humid zone. Some sweat is only natural and to be expected. However, when I'm out and see the super-sweaters, you know who they are, I can't help but be a little put off and amazed. How could the human body lose so much water and still function?

When I feel I might possibly be venturing beyond the mild sweat zone, I picture myself in a Nike ad. One of the raw, gritty ones that seems to heavily feature black and chrome. The one where the model is absolutely dripping sweat but still manages to look stunning in her black sports bra and tanned, toned abs.

Unfortunately, there's this invention in life called a mirror and an inopportune glance at one can provide a jarring jolt of reality. Like what happened today when I got home.

Note to self: the purple sleeveless shirt, while cute, is best left for runs in the 3-mile range. The difference in purplish hue between dry and sweat-soaked is waaaaaay too disparate.

Today's Miles: 10
Total Miles: 132

Thursday, July 10, 2008

An Auspicious Beginning

I gave myself two running-related birthday gifts today. First, I bagged my normal wake-up time and decided to run whenever I happened to get up naturally. Of course that meant waking up at 5:45 as usual then allowing myself to fall back asleep until Runlet #2, who was lying in bed next to me, exuberantly proclaimed an hour later "My eyes are open!" Second, I finally went searching for the "mile-long" trail that meanders through a local retirement community. It was supposedly replete with labeled trees, a foot bridge, small cemetery, and pristine fine gravel pavement.

Now you'll notice that I put "mile-long" in quotation marks. That's because this mythic trail, that everyone swears is a solid mile, was actually 0.6 miles according to my Garmin. Hmmm, so much for my planned route of lapping it twice and going back home. With some quick thinking and not-so-quick footwork I set out in a new direction to add the needed distance.

I came home with 3.13 miles on my Garmin and reservations in my head. No, not dinner reservations--I have three kids, silly. My reservations were based solely on that .13 hanging out on the edge of today's distance. Unfortunately, I have a major case of triskaidekaphobia, fear of the number 13. It's at an obsessive level. When I walked in the door I found that my wonderful husband had taken the kids to get some celebratory Starbucks. I tried push that 13 out of my mind and focus on showering or such. But no dice. When the fam walked in I immediately blurted out that I had run 3.13. "That's not going to be unlucky, do you think?" I asked. And knowing me the way he does, my husband replied "Go back out there and change the distance." So I did, bringing today's miles officially to 3.33. Much more auspicious, grasshopper.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 122

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Hands Felt Just Like Two Balloons

Ugh, the underfueled run. It's been a while since I ran 5 miles during the week and today I learned a powerful lesson: a light summer dinner (read "mostly vegetables") is not sufficient fuel for a 5 mile run the next morning. Especially since having to work last night forced me to eat in the early bird hour. Seriously, the clock might have officially read 4-something when I sat down. In retrospect I should have taken a snack to work with me or had one when I got home.

Now I know, right? I can laugh at the Pink Floydian experience now but I honestly thought I might pass out this morning. Fortunately we were only about a quarter mile from home at that point and it was mostly downhill the rest of the way. Sure, I had little black dots closing in on my field of vision and my hearing was a little wonky but I somehow convinced myself that steady forward motion was the best option. Poor Runner Neighbor had no clue what was going on until we finished. I don't even remember what I said to her but I know I somehow communicated my near-bonk condition. I'd call her later to find out my actual words but I think that might scare her too much.

The ironical thing (special nod to Christopher Guest) is RN and I probably had one of our best runs in terms of pace, conversation, and route. If I could Magic Erase the last third of a mile it would have been perfect.

Oh yeah, I somehow forgot to start my Garmin today. And I didn't even care. That's how bad it was.

Today's Miles: 5
Total Miles: 119

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Picture me banging my head against a brick wall then throwing my Garmin on the ground and hopping on it Yosemite Sam-style. That's how I feel right now.

Runner Neighbor and I met for our Tuesday 3-miler this morning but I was just a tad late due to some minor GI issues. (Regular readers will understand that by a tad late I mean I was out the door at 6:12 for our 6:15 rendezvous.) RN, as expected, was waiting patiently at the bottom of my driveway. In the interest of not making her wait any longer than she already had, I buckled my Garmin and hit the power button hoping it would find the satellites quickly. I usually set the coddled watch outside about 5 minutes before I'm ready to head out myself so it can leisurely do it's thing without any undue pressure. Well, apparently it needs that kid-glove unhurried time because those satellites we not being located while we were running. I gave up and turned it off after a few tenths of a mile.

It must have been around mile 2 that I mentioned to RN that we were either running really fast or the humidity was taking its toll because I was struggling to hold up my end of the conversation. Typical mid-Atlanticer that I am, I placed the blame on the humidity.

At the end of our runs I typically pace around the backyard for a few minutes to cool down. I find it helps minimize the horror for the runlets who eagerly await the return of the sweaty, panting beast that is their mother after a warm-weather run. But today their fear/disgust was not at the forefront of my mind. As any good runner knows, the only sight in my tunnel vision was the time on the digital clock. The same clock I glanced at as I walked out the door. And there it was, in its green LCD glory: 6:36.

That means we ran 3 miles in 24 minutes. Actually less than 24 minutes because you have to account for the initial "Hi, how's it going? Blah, blah, blah..." and the final "Well, I'll talk to you later. Yada, yada, yada..." But how much less? A minute? Thirty seconds? Gah!!!!! I could possibly have run 7-something minutes per mile today?!? But I'll never know?!?

Back to my head banging.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 114

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Feel the Burn

Today's 9-miler was one for the ages. I was well-fueled with half a Power Bar 40 minutes before the run and "Just Plain" GU at mile 4. The route was scenic, the conversation flowed, and overall the the entire outing was easy and uneventful. What more could you ask for?

In fact, I still was basking in the glow of a run well-done about ten minutes after returning home when my Napoleonic 3-year-old runlet commanded through her mouth full of Mighty Bites "Go shower! I no wanna smell your stinkies!" Such is the life of a mom on the run.

Appropriately submissive parent that I am, I headed immediately for the shower. Since the run was so uneventful, and hence not juicy blog fodder, I thought the shower might provide a nice opportunity to reflect and see what kind of topic bubbled to the surface. Then it hit me. Literally. Or, more specifically, the shower stream hit my lower back where apparently my Fuel Belt had been chafing me during today's run. Yowwwwweeeeee!!! Is there anything else like that initial burn of water hitting a chafed spot? Especially on your back where you don't even realize you've been chafed? It's a sneak attack, a sniper in the shower stream. Sure the pain subsides as the shower progresses but the damage has been done. I couldn't help but send a silent prayer of gratitude that Dick Cheney is obviously not a runner (he's had 4 heart attacks, Big Brother, hold your charges of treason) because there's at least one potential form of torture flying under his radar.

And with that, I'll sign off. ;)

Today's Miles: 9
Total Miles: 111

Saturday, July 5, 2008

An Added Benefit

In preparation for some, shall we say "festive", July 4th celebrations, Running Partner and I wisely decided to postpone this weekend's long run to Sunday. That gave me the option of doing my cross-training today or taking two rest days in a row. When I woke up from said festive celebration, two rest days sounded pretty good. However, as the day wore on and rehydration occurred my legs started to feel kind of twitchy. Obnoxious, I know, but apparently I don't like to rest two days in a row. So what to do? I have to run 9 miles at 6:30 tomorrow morning so I couldn't do anything too strenuous but I was getting seriously agitated and grumpy just sitting around. The solution: a stroll. A wholesome workout befitting this Rockwellian holiday. Although I doubt Norman Rockwell was a Rapper's Delight kind of guy. It is a fun strolling song though, you should try it some time. As I was gaily mosying through my neighborhood, I noticed that my sunglasses were becoming more and more unnecessary. Not good because the sun wasn't due to set for at least another hour and a half. Then I noticed the leaves were doing that weird curling up thing they do when it's about to rain. Doubly not good. Then I felt a rain drop. Sugar foot, that had not been in the plans and I have major issues about getting my running shoes wet, especially less than twelve hours before a 9-mile run. So stroll turned into sprint. Sure there was a brief moment of "Hello, Mr. Quadricep. I hadn't realized you were along for the ride." But I found my groove quickly. And it felt good. It felt good physically to let my legs get a little running action and it felt good mentally to know that I didn't have to get stuck in the rain if I didn't want to. I made it home dry, albiet a little sweatier than I had expected, and ready for tomorrow.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Left at the Altar

Melodramatic, I know, but that's what I thought as I waited for Runner Neighbor this morning. We were scheduled to meet at 6:15, which equals 6:05 in RN language, so when I stepped out my door at 6:07 I fully expected to see her sitting on the stone wall waiting patiently. But, she wasn't there. Unusual? Yes. Cause for panic? No.

I decided to start walking toward her house. A logical choice anyway since she lives exactly 0.19 miles from my house and I was harboring a little concern about our planned route being a smidge shy of the 3-mile mark. As I approached the bend that serves as the halfway point between our two houses, there was still no sign of her. That was when I could feel my heart-rate increase. Time to panic? Not yet, but soon.

Mr. Dog-Walking Guy was coming toward me from the direction of RN's house. "Look calm," I thought, "It's perfectly normal that you're out here in a running skirt and Garmin just nonchalantly strolling through the 'hood at 6 a.m. Damn, if only I could whistle!" I must have been sending out some weird vibe because he actually crossed to the other side of the street to avoid me. (I'll pretend he was worried about his dog going all Cujo or something.)

I was perilously close to RN's driveway at this point and still no sign of her. I silently cursed myself for not at least turning on my watch so I would know how much time had elapsed. I mean, were we looking at 6:10 or 6:12? This was important in my freak out factor! I didn't want to actually reach her driveway because that just seemed awkward. What if she was up but she forgot? What if she was still sleeping and her husband saw me loitering around the joint like a stalker? Time for panic? Yes! Indubedably!

I was trying to decide if I should slow my walk even further or actually turn around and go home. If I went home I could check the time and see if it was late enough that I should just go out on my own. Yeah, that seemed like the best option. So it was, about 6 feet from her actual driveway, that I decided it was time to turn around and head back. But I had to do it quickly in case she came out and saw my retreating figure. Now that would be awkard!

Wait--was that a flash of hot pink??? Sweet Jesus, yes! It's her! She's here! I haven't been abandoned afterall!!

"What are you doing here? I thought we were leaving from your house," she innocently proclaimed.

"Eh, I was worried about it not being quite 3 so I thought it was best to come here," I replied.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 102

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Runner in the Mirror

One of my goals with this blog is to get to know more about myself as a runner--the good, the bad, and the ugly. Well, one aspect has certainly come to the forefront, and it ain't purty. Ya see, apparently I like punishment.

In light of Sunday's gym experience and my just-completed run, it's difficult to argue otherwise. When Runner Neighbor and I set out this morning, I innocently thought it was just another run, no big deal. I had told RN my chosen route last night and she hadn't said anything. Fast forward to a mile into today's run and she says "Have you run this route before?" Hmmm, do I detect a note of something in her voice? I told her I had run it before, several months ago, and, now that I was thinking of it, the that last few times I've run it I've done it in reverse. This came out in a pant because we were still going uphill. In fact, we had been going uphill since we started. That's uphill for practically a mile. She offers that she's done it in reverse a few times too but only in the direction we're headed one time. Because of the hills. She had avoided it after that. "You do realize," she offers, "this way is a hell of a lot hillier, right?"

Now, did I realize that? That is the question, isnt' it? When planning the run I had told myself that Charles Street was much more scenic and hence would make a better ending route, like a carrot dangling on a proverbial stick. I thought it would be nice to get the short streets over with and save the long stretches for later. But, if I'm being truthful, I also remember thinking the run just seemed a tad too easy the other way. Those long stretches had too much downhill. Dare I say, I even thought we might get bored. So I automatically reversed the route in my head. Then I dragged my poor friend out today for four miles of continuous hills, mostly the upward fashion somehow.

It's a wonder people still talk to me.

Today's Miles: 4
Total Miles: 99

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

If My Life Were A Book...

right now it would be a twisted human version of the Berenstain Bears and Too Much Vacation. That's how I felt this morning at least when I woke up at 5:45 for today's run. I haven't been up that early to run in over a week and a half and it showed. Sure, I was up that early last week but only because baby Runlet couldn't seem to sleep past sunrise. But last week I was indulging in Diet Coke and buttery scones not strapping on running shoes before 9 a.m. Of course, last week I also wasn't going to bed at 9 p.m., even 8:45, like I have every night since I've been home.

So bleary-eyed and sheet-marked I stumbled out the door this morning to meet Runner Neighbor for our Tuesday run. I found her weeding her front lawn. At 6 a.m. I told her I was tired, trying to recover from vaycay, excuse, excuse, excuse, as I took off on legs I didn't know I had. I felt so good I didn't dare look at the Garmin until I turned it off in the safety of my own driveway. 3.1 miles in 27:08--an 8:45 pace. Not too shabby, especially considering we talked the whole time. I mean we haven't seen each other in over a week for goodness sake! Girlfriends gotta catch up.

Maybe soon I can stop obsessing about that horrible 10K showing. That's not really the runner I am. How long until I can convince myself??

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 95