Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Speed Racer

When Running Neighbor (not to be confused with Runner Neighbor from a few posts back--confusing I know, just do your best) said she wanted to join me for my Tuesday/Thursday runs, I was elated. One thing I've come to know about myself is that I really like a running buddy. We discussed a route, made plans to meet at 6:30, and cheerfully bid farewell 'til the morrow. Sunshine and roses. La, la, la.

Then it hit me in a roaring thunder. I'd just made a deal with the devil. The speed devil that is. Her pace on a recent ten-mile race was blinking in my head, illuminated like the signs of Vegas: 7 minutes per mile. Eeeks! Egad! Holy Cow! How could I get out of it? Which runlet could I claim was sick? Oh, too much bad karma, can't blame the runlets. Crap, crap, super crap. I was stuck.

So, Running Neighbor showed up at 6:15--yes, 15 minutes early, not a good sign--and we set off. This hurts, I thought, but I'm not dying. A half-mile later I realized, Hey, I can breathe! I struggled to talk, but talk I did. Then as we were approaching a monster hill, RN said "Ugh, this hill coming up is a doozy. I always struggle with it." Do tell! Game on, sister. Let's rock that hill! And rock it we did. In fact, we rocked the entire 3 miles. When we got home I thanked RN for a good run and good company and told her I was looking forward to Thursday. In turn, she said she enjoyed it and was grateful I talked the whole time because it made the time pass quickly. I hate to tell her but it was her legs and not my mouth that made it go by so fast.

Today's run: My fastest 3-miler in a looooong time, possibly to date.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 63

1 comment:

Poteneuse said...

This is where the wise man (me) smiles knowingly and nods his head in acceptance of his 100% dead-on accuracy in predicting Runner Girl's state of mind. It seems like only yesterday - oh, it was only yesterday!) that wise man descried Runner Girl's minimum acceptable performance as being whatever is prescribed by the trainer for a particular day. There is no such thing, she thinks, as "overdoing", only 150% at all times or failure. Poteneuse (wise man) loves RG dearly. RG scares Poteneuse. However, there are no losers in love - so Yugo girl, I've got your back.