Runners are nice. Who knew? They always seem to have a smile, a wave, and often a "Hello!" or even a "Good morning!" for their fellow pavement pounders. It still marvels me. In our head-down society I usually expect a stranger coming from the opposite direction to look up, down, to the side, at dirty fingernails, a cell phone--anywhere but at me. Not in Running Land though. When I see another runner, I know he or she is going to acknowledge me. Even if there are headphones involved I'll at least get half a smile. It's a sweet little bonus, the Cracker Jack prize.
Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 51
1 comment:
Oh my goodness look at all them poopies! Well, if you're looking at other runners you might not see all them poopies. Yugo Girl - I've got your poopies!
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