Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Day of Penance

I woke up this morning to a glaring fact, one that I kind of knew already, but was unaware of the extent: I did not run hard at all yesterday. I mean, when I got out of bed today not only was I not sore but my legs didn't even feel like I had run yesterday. After 6.2 miles of the Dreaded Druid Hills, I expected at least a little "ouchy" going down the stairs. But nothing, nada. In fact, my muscles actually felt kind of fresh. Sooooo, off to the gym for today's cross-training, and some atonement. I forced myself to do 6.2 miles on the elliptical, with resistance up to 15 for several intervals, in under 60 minutes. It hurt. Worse than yesterday's race for sure. I hobbled back to my car on jelly-fied legs sound in the knowledge I had duly made up for any slack from the previous day.

Today's Miles: 6.2 that don't really count
Total Miles: Still 92

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Holy hills, Batman!

So here's the official description of today's race, the Dreaded Druid Hills:

First 5K is fairly flat with some very gentle rolling hills. Next 3K contains at least seven killer hills in the back roads of Druid Hill Park. The last 2K is flat, but who cares at this point, most runners are ready for the race to have been over a long time ago. This is a very challenging event. The hills in the back of the Baltimore Zoo seem relentless with their curves and seemingly never-ending elevation gains.

Challenging?!?!? Try sadistic, inhumane, or barbaric. Seriously. In retrospect it's laughable that I actually tried to do some hill training in preparation for this race. There is nothing you could do to prepare for that course. Thankfully I had made the decision going into it that I was going to run nice and easy and not try to channel any sort of inner mountain goat. After coming off a week-long vacation there's a lot to do around the homestead and I really didn't want dead legs and crippling muscle cramps to hold me back. (If I took an honesty pill I'd admit that I wish I had actually pushed it a little more--the time that goes with an easy attempt isn't so pretty.)

The course was basically out and back so you knew what you were facing for the second half. At one point, around mile 4 or so, we were near the crest of one of the hills and some poor guy next to me kept chanting "Oh god, let this be the last hill." What I knew, and what a local running coach cheering on the runners at the top also knew, was that we still had a heck of a doozy waiting ahead. Obviously I wouldn't make a good running coach because I tried to shield poor out-of-breath, about-to-collapse running man from that information but "Bob the Coach" yelled out "Heck no! You've got Kilimanjaro around the bend."

And by Kilimanjaro he meant the hill labeled "Mile 5: Slow Down. Ha! Ha! Ha!"

All in all, today was great. I got to experience my first hot weather race where they actually hose you down as you run and throw ice-water soaked towels on your head when you finish. I tried not to freak out too much at the hosing even though all I kept thinking about was how water created that horrible squeak in my old shoes and I didn't want my still fairly new ones to end up the same way. Really, getting doused while running should be a choice, right?

Running Partner ran today too. It was her first race ever and she totally rocked it. That girl has got determination like I've never seen. I was so proud of her. I think she finished in about 54 minutes. My time, I guess I should at least share it, was 1:03. The good news is I still had plenty of energy to go to the farmer's market afterward (post-shower--no worries) and am heading out to a neighborhood party in just a few minutes. It's all good.

Oh, and how could I almost forget, the race organizers sent out an email last night with two important notes:

1. No strollers would be allowed on the course because one of the hills, known as Dead Man's Hill, is officially closed to any wheeled traffic after the number of fatalities suffered by cyclists in the past few years.

2. Zoo officials were beginning to express concern about potential loose animals.

And I still ran anyway. That's the craziness of this sport.

Today's Miles: 6(.2)
Total Miles: 92

Friday, June 27, 2008

You be the judge...


Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

This was my route for the last week. All I had to do was lace up my shoes, strap on my Garmin, and find out where that road took me. Mountains in the distance, a huge lake to the side; turtles, groundhogs, even a bear, oh my! A girl could get used to runs like that.
(Okay, so maybe the bear was really a dog. But a big, scary, bear-like dog nevertheless.)
Tomorrow: Race Day!
Vacation Miles: 10
Total Miles: 86

Friday, June 20, 2008

Only the Lonely

With Running Partner out of town and Running Neighbor not interested in a 7-miler, today I was on my own. At first it was great. We're getting reading to go on vacation and I did a mental check of my packing list. I envisioned myself putting specific items in the suitcases, hoping the imagery might possibly prevent me from forgetting something crucial, like a bathing suit or my son. When that got old I sang the first verse of Best of Both Worlds again and again (Hannah Montana version not Van Halen--that's just where I am in life). But then even that got old too. Hard to imagine, I know.

I found myself thinking about RP and wondering what she was doing. I tried to guess what RN and I would be talking about if she were with me. I came to the sad realization that I was, in fact, lonely. And I still had 3.92 miles to go--not that I was obsessing or anything. Alas, with stiff upper lip, I ran on.

The cosmos must have been watching poor little Runner Girl, however, because a sweet gift was waiting just a short mile later. While running past a line of cars waiting at a stop light, Runner Girl heard her name being called exuberantly. She turned and saw Long Lost College Friend! Oh smiley, splendid pick-me-up! No time or opportunity to stop and chat, but it wasn't needed. Just seeing LLCF was the fuel needed to carry on, chin up, head high, happy run home.

Today's Miles: 7
Total Miles: 76

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Road Less Traveled

Woohoo! Another benefit of a running partner: you learn new running routes. Yesterday's post was almost about having to run the same darn roads over and over (and over and over) again. I'm seriously in a rut here, folks. Yesterday, however, I saw Running Neighbor outside and she said she would plan today's route. Just be at house at her 6:30.

So this morning I set out, GU'd up of course, at 6:15 not 6:30--she's not going to catch me with that one again--and the darn woman was already waiting at the bend between our two houses! I mean I'm all for enthusiasm and what not, just not that early. I save my enthusiasm for the more genteel 9 o'clock hour.

As we started running, her exuberant, me along for the ride, I quickly realized she must be some kind of genius. How else can you explain the simultaneous abilities of raising three kids AND remembering there are four points on a compass? When she turned left at the top of our street, I about fell over. Holy moly! I thought. She's turning left! What a renegade! We're going into totally unchartered territory! I've been more of a north, south, and east girl myself but I have to say, after this morning, west side represent fo' sho'!

Not to mention, I didn't have any trouble keeping up with Sister Speed today. (Do I have to admit she did her long run last night and I had fresh legs?)

Todays' run: 3 miles on the West side.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 69

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Running on Empty

Blork, my own hard-headedness even drives me nuts sometimes. For instance, I know that I absolutely can not run well on an empty stomach. It's a tried and true fact. Yet this morning I downed nothing more than a few quick sips of water and headed out the door. Stupid, stupid, stupid. A large part of the training process is learning what works and what doesn't, right? Like an 18-wheel semi with the needle on "E" I chugged, sputtered, and basically conked out at about two miles. Diligent (masochistic?) trainer that I am, I continued on though and ran the final mile to get today's required three done. I have to say it wasn't purty.

So why did I go out empty? The problem is that when I run before breakfast time, the only thing I can stomach is some GU. There are two issues with that:

1.) It's GU. I mean, goo. Literally goo. Yuck. And at 6 a.m.--double yuck.

2.) As soon as I reach for a packet, an annoying, niggling voice in my head starts squawking, "That's 100 calories of nothingness! You can go ahead and discount that first mile because you need it just to break even now. Buck up, lady, get out there! GU for three miles?!? C'mon. You are SO not hardcore."

Ah well, I guess it's time to officially hang-up my dreams of being hardcore and settle instead for being secure in the knowledge of my own body's needs. As non-hardcore as they may make me. Not too bad a trade-off in the end, I guess.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 66

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Speed Racer

When Running Neighbor (not to be confused with Runner Neighbor from a few posts back--confusing I know, just do your best) said she wanted to join me for my Tuesday/Thursday runs, I was elated. One thing I've come to know about myself is that I really like a running buddy. We discussed a route, made plans to meet at 6:30, and cheerfully bid farewell 'til the morrow. Sunshine and roses. La, la, la.

Then it hit me in a roaring thunder. I'd just made a deal with the devil. The speed devil that is. Her pace on a recent ten-mile race was blinking in my head, illuminated like the signs of Vegas: 7 minutes per mile. Eeeks! Egad! Holy Cow! How could I get out of it? Which runlet could I claim was sick? Oh, too much bad karma, can't blame the runlets. Crap, crap, super crap. I was stuck.

So, Running Neighbor showed up at 6:15--yes, 15 minutes early, not a good sign--and we set off. This hurts, I thought, but I'm not dying. A half-mile later I realized, Hey, I can breathe! I struggled to talk, but talk I did. Then as we were approaching a monster hill, RN said "Ugh, this hill coming up is a doozy. I always struggle with it." Do tell! Game on, sister. Let's rock that hill! And rock it we did. In fact, we rocked the entire 3 miles. When we got home I thanked RN for a good run and good company and told her I was looking forward to Thursday. In turn, she said she enjoyed it and was grateful I talked the whole time because it made the time pass quickly. I hate to tell her but it was her legs and not my mouth that made it go by so fast.

Today's run: My fastest 3-miler in a looooong time, possibly to date.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 63

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Trails

With it being Father's Day and all I decided to do my first official cross-training session at the local park where Running Boy chose to have a lunchtime picnic. While he and the runlets played with some new wiffleball gear, I went about my business. The park is home to a quarter-mile long, intensely steep hill, which I hear Ravens superstar Ray Lewis uses for training. Hmmmm? Do tell, I thought. Okay hill, let's see what you've got.

Well, I don't know what the hill has but I know what I don't have: Ray Lewis' mojo. Ah well, I wasn't really supposed to run today anyway. Sixty minutes of true cross-training (read "walking") successfully done.

Today's Miles: 0
Total Miles: 60

Saturday, June 14, 2008

To Tell the Truth

I think I finally get it. I finally understand what makes a running partner so sacred, why it is a bond to be treasured and cherished. At first I used to think it was because you had someone to hold you accountable. What decent person could stay in bed after the alarm goes off knowing there is a living, breathing person, in running shorts no less, waiting for her down the street? I figured the main purpose of a running partner was to get you out the door, even on days you don't want to run, and to make sure you stick to your training schedule, come hell or high water.

Oh, but a good RP is so much more. You see, after a certain number of miles the facade starts to chip away. The facade that we all have in public; the mask that keeps us smiling when we're seething or saying "That's a lovely color for you" when we really mean "Dear God, that dress makes you look like a cow." I mean, a person can only be polite for so long before some nugget of jaded sarcasm escapes. And once there's a chink in the armour--look out, baby. When RP announced today "I'm about to say something that you never thought you'd hear me say and something I would never utter aloud to another human being," I couldn't help but let out an excited whoop! So this is what it's really about, I thought. The true benefit of a running partner: not only are you stripped to your core physically as you log mile after mile but there's an emotional rawness and honesty that comes with it as well. And, honey, when your RP is a gal like mine, that emotional aspect can be a hoot!

By the way, I'm taking her words to my grave so don't even bother to ask.

Today's Miles: 6
Total Miles: 60

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Blessed Be

After waffling last week, I decided to go ahead and take my iPod back out on my midweek runs. I have to admit I felt validated in my decision when the latest issue of Runner's World arrived yesterday with a cover tease offering up "Why Tunes Make You Faster *Plus* The Best Running Songs of All Time." Even so, I usually only have the music on about half the time. There's still a lot to be said for listening to the birds tweet and the sounds of people starting their days.

Today I was running up the notorious mile-long hill by my house and decided about half-way up to add a soundtrack. I pushed play on my iPod and the music of Brett Dennen filled my ears. Blessed is one of my favorite songs. In fact, I practically fell off my chair last night when I heard it used for a commercial; I don't remember what it was for, I think it was an airline or a hotel chaing. But I digress. As Blessed came on, I quieted that cynical little voice in my head that said "Dennen, you stupid sell out" and settled instead into the uplifting lyrics. Suddenly, I swear to God, a bunny started hopping along next to me. He stayed with me for a good tenth of a mile at least. There wasn't another human soul around; the sun was breaking through the overhanging trees; and this bunny and I were enjoying a heck of a ride.

Blessed be, indeed. And from now on just call me Snow White.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 54

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

In Good Company

Runners are nice. Who knew? They always seem to have a smile, a wave, and often a "Hello!" or even a "Good morning!" for their fellow pavement pounders. It still marvels me. In our head-down society I usually expect a stranger coming from the opposite direction to look up, down, to the side, at dirty fingernails, a cell phone--anywhere but at me. Not in Running Land though. When I see another runner, I know he or she is going to acknowledge me. Even if there are headphones involved I'll at least get half a smile. It's a sweet little bonus, the Cracker Jack prize.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 51

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What A Pain In The Ankle

The night before my half-marathon I had dinner with a guy who was running his first full marathon the next day. He was wearing some admittedly dorky loafers and was saying how excited he was to throw them in the trash after the race. Apparently his orthopedist told him to stay away from "fashion wear" and go for cushion and support at all times while training. "Oh, yeah, well," I thought, "one certainly needs balance in life." As in, let's not be rash, a runner still has to look good too.

That little scenario came quickly to mind two days ago when I fell down a few steps in my fashionable flip-flops resulting in a slightly sprained ankle. Heck of a way to officially kick off marathon training, eh? Oh the humanity! While hobbling, hopping, and squealing in pain, I begged my husband to tell me it wasn't really a big deal. Ankle tweaks happen all the time. They don't even need time to heal. In fact, in some twisted, upside, alterna-vortex rule of the universe, it was actually going to make my ankle stronger, right?

So it was, laughing in the face of a major freak out, that I wore the same flip-flops again yesterday. (Well, they are pink, after all.) And I twisted my ankle again.

Six thirty arrived bright and early (and humid--but that's another issue) this morning and it was time for me to run my first run of Hal Higdon's Novice Marathon Training Schedule. Sure my ankle hurt; but I convinced myself it was more of a dull pain than a sharp pain and dull pains are all part of running, aren't they? I was very proud of myself for not only having the materials on hand to wrap Gimpy Ankle but also for having the know-how to do it correctly. Or so I thought. I set out for my 3-mile trek feeling good. About a half-mile later I noticed my ankle felt okay but the bottom of my foot was sore. Another half-mile later that soreness became a stabbing pain. Now even I know you can't run with that going on so I sat on the curb, took off my shoe and sock, and removed the ankle wrapping.Sure enough, it was just on the verge of breaking skin and creating a nasty gash on the poor fish-belly arch of my foot. With no other option but to finish the run, I decided to put my sock and shoe, sans ankle wrapping, back on give it a go. Thankfully the rest of the run was totally and completely pain-free. It wasn't until I got home and took my shoe off that Gimpy Ankle let out a whoop of freedom. Unfortunately he's still hooting and hollering almost two hours later.

Looks like I'll be making a trip to Sensible Shoes 'R Us today. Goodbye pink flip-flops; I bid you adieu until October 12th.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 48

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Love on the Run

You know you're smitten with running when you're watching Air Bud with the runlets and during a supposedly poignant scene all you can think is "Wow, that road would be an AWESOME road to run on! I wonder where they filmed this? Could I find that actual road?" And it's days like today that cement the infatuation. Just.Pure.Happiness. Like trying to define "love," there aren't the right words to truly do it justice.

Today's run was a trifecta: awesome company, great gear, and a scenic route. RP and I set out at 6:30 a.m.. Even that early the humidity was 93% but I ran with my Fuel Belt for the first time and am now a total convert. I shared some ice cold water with RP after one of the more challenging hills and it was all the nectar she needed to be a convert as well. We chatted the entire time, hills and all. We encouraged each other when we were struggling, affirmed each other on the straight aways, and basically just had buoyed each other throughout the whole run. There was a funny moment on one obnoxious hill when we both stopped talking for a second and she exclaimed into the silence "Hey, your shoe's not squeaking!" Yeah, it had been that bad. Dumb and Mummer are nicely doing their silent jobs. I also realized today that GU is the perfect pre-run fuel when you're heading out that early. No need to set the alarm to some obnoxious pre-dawn time just to wolf down a PowerBar or toast with peanut butter.

My next run will be the first official run on Hal Higdon's training program. Here we go!

Today's Miles: 5.5
Total Miles: 45

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Rock on?

Oh, the insanity that is running. This time last year I spent an agonizing month or so gradually weaning myself off of running with music. I would start my run but wouldn't be allowed to turn my iPod on until a reached a quarter mile, then half a mile, then one mile, and so on and so on until I finally ran the entire time without any music at all. I think that first completely music-free run was 7 miles. And boy, talk about a runner's high. I was so proud of myself, like I'd joined an elite club or something. Like I was finally legitimate and hard-core. Dare I say I even felt a little superior to those runner's who still relied on music as a crutch? Ugly, I know. But having been there and diligently worked past it, I felt justified.

Now for the crazy part. The cuckoo, looney, daffy, buggy, bananas, totally bat-shit bonkers part: I'm thinking about running with music again. I don't really have a good reason. Or, any reason at all, for that matter. It's just kind of gut feeling that maybe I'd enjoy it. I can rationalize that I've been running with friends frequently enough that now the solo runs feel lonely, and I can make the argument that I initially gave up the music for safety reasons (gotta hear the approaching cars and all that) but with my runs moving to 6:30 a.m. there are decidely fewer dangers out and about.

Should this really be such a major decision? Maybe yes, maybe no. One thing I've learned in Running Land though is that all the small details have the potential to be huge. I call it the Blister Effect.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 39.5

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Wheels on the Bus...

Go round and round. As do the pedals on the elliptical. Round and round they went for sixty minutes today. As the start of official marathon-training draws near I decided to make the most of my last week of exercise freedom today and do some cross-training. (Plus, an air conditioned gym is pretty appealing when the outdoor humidity is nearing 70%.) I'm almost embarrassed to admit how excited I was when I realized that my arrival at the gym would coincide exactly the beginning of The View. Ahhh, simple pleasures. Add to that a current issue of Us Weekly and I was totally set for an indulgent work out. It was great. I even did some free weights at the end and threw in some ab work to round (and round, round and round) it out.

Today's Miles: 0
Total Miles: 36.5

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Field of Dreams

When Runner Neighbor emailed and asked if I'd run with her today, I couldn't resist. There's little I like as much as a run with a friend. She was willing to do 5 miles but NOT my 5-mile hill route. Apparently not everyone is a masochistic glutton for punishment like myself. She even volunteered that she avoids hills when she runs. Can you imagine?

We set off in the mid-day blazing sun and high humidity (you can probably see where this is going already) and she held strong until a little over 3 miles--3.3 to be exact. At that point she said "You go ahead and keep running; I'm going to walk. But you have to keep running because otherwise I'll feel guilty." To which I replied, "Don't be silly, I'm not going to keep running." Then it continued something like:

"Yes, you have to. Don't make me feel bad."
"You're being ridiculous, I have no problem walking."
"Seriously, please just run. I know you really wanted to do 5 miles."
"I'm walking when you walk."
"Then I'm not walking but I'm really having trouble."

Until I finally ended it by saying "I'll walk with you when we get to the top of this hill but only if you tresspass onto the grounds of the local private school with me and find out where their track is."

The poor dear was so worn down, by the bantering or the running I'm not sure, that she agreed to go criminal with me.

The track wasn't too hard to find. Over a hill, around some football equipment, duck under a few bushes, cut across the faculty parking lot, squeeze through a gate--but then, there it was. TA DA! As if the heavens parted and God himself shone down. Glorious! Amazing! Beautiful! Cushioned! I was in awe. I couldn't speak yet my mind was abuzz. So much speedwork potential! 400-meter intervals, 800-meter intervals, 400/200-meters intervals, straight-aways, turns, 5K pace, 10K pace, negative splits... Hello my new morning friend! My mid-week amour! We will meet soon and often.

Today's run: Three chatty miles. Five-mile hill route tomorrow? We'll see. In the immortal words of Scarlett O'Hara, tomorrow is another day.

Today's Miles: 3
Total Miles: 36.5