Monday, June 28, 2010

Back in the saddle...

Woah--I've just spent some time catching up with all the ol' running blogs I used to read. It's a new world out there! I guess I have to figure out the whole giveaway thing. That seems like the "it" trend.

A quick update for anyone interested: Cleveland screwed up my foot bad enough that I ended up taking eight loooong months off from running. The upside is that I discovered I actually like weightlifting. And my gym membership got more action in those months than it did in the past eight years.

I got the official green light to start running again this past January. Like any good runner, I promptly signed up for a race as soon as I got home from the podiatrist's office. I figured a little 10-miler would be doable and I had six months to train. Long story short...I ran the 10 miler last weekend and a 5k yesterday.

There are still lingering foot issues that the good doc and I are working diligently to resolve, but boy does it feel good to be back!

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