Runner Boy gave me the best gift for Christmas: a running log. What did I ever do without it??? How did I not know that I needed one so badly??? I loooooove my running log. I use it to track the usuals: distance, time, and pace; and I’ve created my own little rating system for each run. (The rating system if VERY high tech and complicated; it involves a check, a check plus, and even a check minus! I know, I’m wild.) But my favorite part of the running log is that I use it to record the outdoor temp and the clothing I wore for each run. I’m obsessively religious about this part. I check the temp at the last possible second before heading out the door then I diligently come home and record every article of clothing on my body. Then I add a nice reflective sentence on the effectiveness of said clothing combination. There's gotta be a Pulitzer for that somewhere.
I have to admit it’s taken on a life of its own and made me totally obsessed. For instance, I know I’m running tomorrow morning so tonight I’ll check the predicted temp for tomorrow’s start time. (I'll wait to check until right before I go to bed because they might change the forecast a degree or two before then. Yup, that's how anal I am with this shizz.) Then, I’ll go to my log, find the entry for every run that has been within five degrees of that temp, and read my sweet, pensive postrun sentences. Next, I’ll pause for a few moments, pondering the data I’ve collected, and thinking about the outfit for the next run. Finally, I’ll decide the clothes I want to wear and lay them out for the morning. this an appropriate time to mention I sleep in my sports bra every night before a morning run?? I've convinced myself it saves many minutes of valuable sleep time. Is that too much information?
While I do believe you may be crazy, I have to admit I wish I paid attention to what works at different temperatures. I'm always guessing what to wear and frequently I guess wrong.
But I'm too lazy to actually keep track. I'm doing good to track my mileage these days.
Welcome to the wild world of anal retentiveness. Not only do I know which clothes to wear for what temps, but I also know which clothes to wear for what distance, type of run, and all combinations of temp, distance and type. It's ridiculous how obsessive we can get.
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